ORANJESTAD - A phenomenon becoming increasingly popular among tourists worldwide is "vacation rentals". 

This phenomenon is also the case in Aruba, where there has been a significant increase in vacation rentals in recent years.

According to a report from the Aruba Tourism Authority, approximately 30% of our visitors in Aruba opt for this type of accommodation. The Ministry of Tourism and Public Health believes it is crucial to introduce regulations for vacation rentals to create a "level playing field" and maintain the quality that Aruba offers. The government aims to regulate this based on registration, requiring every owner with a listing to register their vacation rental to operate it.

The process of making the Department of Inspection and Hygiene (DWH), currently part of DVG, independent is underway, and the law is in its final phase before being submitted to the Advisory Council. This unit will become a "Sui Generis" and will be responsible for the entire licensing process and necessary inspections to maintain the quality of our Aruban products. Inspections will focus on hygiene and safety. Furthermore, initiatives are underway to digitize the hospitality industry's licensing procedure.  

In addition to creating equality in the operation of accommodations, regulation will also help ensure compliance with relevant taxes in this market, such as the tourism levy.

This legislative and enforcement policy is supported by the relevant departments actively participating in the regulation process for vacation rentals.